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Hi, I’m Jan

After 30 years of working as a manager/leader/executive and at the same time as coach/trainer, I decided to go out on my own. That’s 6 years ago.

Whilst developing my own coaching business, I could not resist working with one of the most successful companies of this decade: ASML. I currently manage the larger change programs for all of ASML’s 9 factories around the globe as head of global manufacturing portfolio management. What a thrill…

I am open to coaching new  manager/leaders, as well as managers who seek development towards an executive function. Very often I also coach newly appointed executives. I also do this within ASML, but mainly as an independent coach for other organizations. I simply love the mix, which keeps me sharp to stay connected to business and leadership fundamentals, as well as executive abilities and behaviors.

Every time I connect with people through my coaching, I get surprised and this makes it so insightful, also for me!

My purpose in life is to accelerate personal growth and development, to bring-out the most authentic and best leader in a person. This often includes abilities not known to the person yet.

I have kept record of the various topics my coachees ask me to help them develop. Below you see an overview of the top 15 topics I have been adressing in my coaching.

Last but not least, coaching often starts because people are stuck in a one or more situations. A great place to start coaching, see the slider at the bottom of the page.

This world needs authentic and skillful leaders!

I was invited by HBR to join the HBR Advisory Council, with the aim to help shape the future of ideas (not my words, this is what HBR says). 

HBR Advisory Council members help HBR improve the content they publish as well as help chart their future direction.

Through research opportunities, members like me provide feedback to HBR’s editors, preview new content, and weigh in on ideas from HBR as well as those from the wider world of  management and leadership.

For me it is a great honor to be chosen to be an advisory council member. Chosen for my critical thinking I apply on LinkedIn on leadership and L&D topics. Also because of the experience and relevant knowledge I have proven to be able to apply successful.

In my coaching and leadership development facilitation, I always bring the mix of experience and conceptual models that helps simplify and better understand all the dynamics leaders need to master to be successful and continuously grow.

MY EXPERIENCE and top 15 coaching topics

I am a teacher by education (electro/energy engineering). I worked 5 years in IT, 27 in Logistics & Transport and now 5 years in the semi-conductor industry. I run my own business in parallel since 2018.

I had over 15 different management/executive positions since 1988, varying from global head of learning & development, MD operations business development, MD  and global head of operations excellence development.

Currently I am, next to my leadership development & coaching business, the global head of portfolio management for all factories of ASML, overseeing their larger change and transformation programs.

I simply love variation and challenges…

My coaching involves:

  • Becoming more intuitive with making choices
  • Move from thinking to feeling and integrate the two
  • Learning from (recent) experiences with live project work and examples.
  • Practical assignments at the end of every session.
  • A coaching app to ensure you have everything we do in one place, 100% confidential
  • Short e-learning and assignments through the coaching app (>500 micro lessons)
  • Both physical as virtual sessions, whatever is best and most practical
  • Native Dutch and English, German intermediate
  • Provocative approach when needed
  • No holding back, always the raw reality, but only when we can learn from it
  • Questionnaires, Surveys, 360 feedback, etc. Tools to ensure reflection and realisation of strengths
  • I don’t believe in focusing on weaknesses to develop.



people management


Team building


Coaching as a manager & delegating


Career Development & shift


Dealing with Stress & Burnout




Presenting & Public Speaking




Creativity and being Insprirational


Situational Leadership


Conflict Management


Work-Life Balance


Managing emotions


Purpose & fulfillment
